Donnerstag, 19. April 2012


The new iPad. It is not called iPad 3 as far as I am concerned, it only says "The New iPad" everywhere, so I guess it is only called iPad in this case. What do you think about it? It has not even been one year since the iPad 2 has been released and they already released the new iPad, I mean, what is this? All they do is improve the camera, and I am sure that they would have been able to mark the previos iPad with the same quality camera, they just want to make a bigger revenue, and I think that this is wrong. Look at the iPod touch generation. All that has really changed in the four different generations is that from one to the other generation you had a volume controll on the outside of the iPod, and on the very new one you have a front and back camera. Obviously more GB are available on the newer editions and the touch screen and graphics have improved, but the step from generation 1-2 was in my opinion unneccessary, and the step from 2-3.
Of course they make more revenue and all that, but it sort of makes me not wanting to buy any Apple products, because if the product has already been released for 3-4 month, I can be pretty sure to see the new version of the bought product to come out in the next 9 month, and it is not like Apple products are not expensive, most of them cost a fortune! This is the reason why I think that it really is unneccessary from Apple to release an improvemnt of nearly almost each of their products about once a year.What do you think about it?

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